Getting Personal: My 2017 In Review
Dear lovelies,
As the year comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on my 2017, so here’s my annual year in recap blogpost, where I get pretty personal. This is also my way of letting you, my dear readers, into my life so that you can get to know me a little bit more.
For me, 2017 has been, to say the least, a little bit of a roller coaster. The year began with a rocky start, with stress levels being at an all-time high. To add to this, those of you who are already following me on Instagram know that I’ve been having problems with my back, and this is why I’ve been carrying only mini bags this year, as per the doctor’s orders. Because of this, I had to remove some bags off my wishlist, and since mini bags took some getting used to – yes, I’m one of those who brings a ton of things in my bag that I probably don’t need, including the kitchen sink – I didn’t really feel like buying any more bags this year, because the bags that I really wanted, wasn’t a mini, so I wouldn’t be able to carry them for awhile anyway. It’s been almost a year, so I’m kinda used to mini bags now, so I just might start shopping around for some again in 2018! hahah In fact, now that I’ve gotten used to mini bags, it’s kinda liberating, and now I don’t even know why I used to lug such a heavy load around with me!
That said, the issues with my back did come with a silver lining, because it, in a way, sorta forced me to proritise my health, and cut back on the stress and the hours I’ve been spending (sometimes up to 16 hours a day!) in front of the computer doing PhD-related work. Self-care became my priority and I slowly learnt how to push away the sense of guilt that came from working a little less harder. In turn, I got to sleep more (rather than surviving on 4 hours of sleep for the past 2 years), attend more fashion events this year, and work on growing my Instagram family!
Hmm…I guess this is what they call a “blessing in disguise” because it’s also due to this that I also got to work on a very exciting project during the third and fourth quarters of 2017 — something, I think, that was way overdue! During this time, I’ve been working very closely with a web designer and developer, to bring you a new, revamped, and fully redesigned Bag Addicts Anonymous in 2018!! Call it BAA 3.0, if you will 😉 It took awhile to put together, because I wanted it to be perfect – everything was tailored to my meticulous specifications, custom-built, and developed from scratch, so I can’t wait to share the new site with you!!
With this exciting news, I shall bid thee adieu (heh, sorry for going all Shakespearean on you!). I’d like to end by thanking all of you, my loyal readers for your support and since I’ve also begun to introduce men’s fashion on the site, to my new male readers too!! You, my stylish fashionistas and fashiomistas, keep fuelling the fire in me to create more inspiring and (hopefully) better content daily!
Now let’s give 2017 the boot, and look forward to making 2018 an amazingly fab year! Let’s all raise a glass to new beginnings! May we all have a year filled with bountiful blessings, and a renewed sense of hope, and motivation!
Bei Yan