Deciphering Chanel’s Serial Code Numbers
Counterfeiters are getting better and better at passing off fake bags as authentic ones. The days of shoddy workmanship are few and far between as these counterfeiters have been honing their skills in perfecting the art of impeccable workmanship and stitching. It has therefore become almost impossible to tell apart a replica from an authentic piece. I mean, I’ve heard of cases where counterfeiters actually purchase the actual dustbags and boxes so that the replica comes with the “complete original packaging”. But I’m afraid to say, the only area where these syndicates are 100% honest, is when they tell you the packaging is original. And don’t get me started on fake receipts, because thanks to digital technology, it’s now easier for counterfeiters to make the receipt look legit. While some personal shoppers (that’s those who take pre-orders and purchase the item for you when they make a trip overseas) take advantage of this and knowingly purchase an imitation piece and passes it off to the buyer as an authentic item, there are personal shoppers who, themselves, have been duped, unknowingly sell these knockoffs to their clients. However, there still is one significant flaw that counterfeiters have, God forbid, yet to perfect. Where they excel in the workmanship and stitching, these fake bags have a generic serial number that is attached to all bags of the same brand/model. Since Chanel bags are one of the most replicated, today’s post is dedicated to deciphering Chanel’s serial code numbers because I know that there are a lot of us who like to buy vintage pieces, or preloved Chanel bags.
Here’s how the serial numbers are done, in chronological order. Also do note that Chanel alternates between serif and sans serif fonts for their serial numbers. Another thing to take note of is that the early pre-1986 0XXXXXX-2XXXXXX stickers didn’t include a zero, and therefore would merely be a 6-digit serial code. The authenticity card, however, would include a zero in front. In short, for these earlier serial codes, the sticker would have 6-digits while the authenticity card would have a 7-digit code, with a 0 in front. The following 6 digits on the card MUST match the 6-digits on the sticker.
Note on the following below: “serif font” refers to the “horizontal base” on the bottom of the 1.
1986-1989 | 0XXXXXX “0” with NO strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
1989-1991 | 1XXXXXX “0” with NO strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
1991-1994 | 2XXXXXX “0” with NO strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
1994-1996 | 3XXXXXX “0” with NO strikethrough (only until 27x), “1” is in serif font |
1996-1997 | 4XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in sans serif font |
1997-1999 | 5XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in sans serif font; (“0” with NO strikethrough on 52X* – 56X*) |
2000-2002 | 6XXXXXX |
2002-2003 | 7XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2003-2004 | 8XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2004-2005 | 9XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2005-2006 | 10XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is serif font |
2006-2008 | 11XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2008-2009 | 12XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2009-2010 | 13XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is serif font |
2010-2011 | 14XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is serif font |
2011 | 15XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2012 | 16XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2012-2013 | 17XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2013-2014 | 18XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2014 | 19XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2015-2016 | 21XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2016-2017 | 22XXXXXX 0″ with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2017 | 23XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
2017 onwards | 24XXXXXX “0” with strikethrough, “1” is in serif font |
Style of serial sticker
1986-1991 – 7-digit serial code on white sticker with Chanel logos and left-side cutout with opaque film covering the sticker
1991-1997 – 7-digit serial code on white sticker with Chanel logos with opaque film over the sticker
1997-2005 – 7-digit serial code on white sticker with CLEAR tape. 2 Chanel logos from 57XXXXX onwards. “X” -cut lines to prevent removal of sticker without damage. “CHANEL” on right side, with dark line on left side of sticker. Gold speckles on sticker. Hologram security feature appears from 2000 onwards.
2005-2018 – 8-digit serial code on white sticker with clear tape. 2 Chanel logos with “X” cut lines to prevent removal of sticker without damage.“CHANEL” on right side, with dark line on left side of sticker. Gold speckles on sticker.
Hope y’all found this information useful!