Gucci Announces Cruise 2020 Collection Location
31 March 2019

Gucci Announces Cruise 2020 Collection Location

Continuing with it’s efforts to showcase its collections at historic sites as part of Creative Director Alessandro Michele’s juxtaposition between the old and new world, Gucci has announced that it will be showing its Cruise 2020 collection in Rome‘s Capitoline Museums on May 28 2019. Considered as “the oldest museum complex in the world”,  the magnificent bronze statues named Capitoline Wolf, Spinario and Camillo and fragments of the Colossus of Constantine by Pop Sixtus IV were returned to the city of Rome and its people in 1471, and are still there on site in the museum until this very day.

Gucci will also make a donation over the course of the next 2 years, in support of the restoration project of Rupe Tarpea, the rock face on the southern side of Campidoglio, where traitors were sentenced to death from the cliff  to the underlying Roman Forum, right up till first century AD.


Image courtesy of Gucci