Prada's New Canapa Line
14 June 2010

Prada’s New Canapa Line

I really don’t get the logic of all these “paper/carrier bag” lookalikes. First it was Marc Jacobs, then we saw the Chanel paper bag-esque (in lambskin nonetheless) from the S/S 2009 collection, and now, Prada’s “Canapa” line. I am someone who loathes Logomania, and anything monogrammed. But then again, something that looks like the brand’s carrier bag is even more absurd. It really makes no sense as to why people would want to pay a few thousand dollars (yes the cheapest Chanel “paper bag” retailed at RM6k+) for something that looks almost exactly like the brand’s carrier bag. They should pay YOU for being their walking billboard and advertisement instead of you PAYING to let them have you advertise for them. Have people really become so insecure that they feel the need to parade a carrier-esque bag (but in a more luxe material of course) with the brand emblazoned on it? Hmph…

Images via Style and Prada