Versace Studded Relief Top Handle Bag
When I was a little girl, I remember seeing Versace’s Medusa logo plastered on virtually every single Versace item – shirts, belts, handbags – You name it, she was there, Medusa staring right back at you, attempting to turn you into stone. And then, suddenly she disappeared, not only from Versace merchandise, but from the logo as well — the revamped logo only had Versace, without Medusa.
Medusa had been replaced, and in her place (on Versace’s RTW and accessories) stood the Greek motif, which could be labelled as the new Versace monogram, still very much in use today. In fact, it was spotted in some way or other, as a detail on their new S/S 2011 RTW and runway bags. And because Versace’s use of Medusa is quite rare nowadays, I had to feature this bag, to capture the moment… because for a moment there, even for a fleeting one, Medusa had been resurrected from the Versace archives, and put on this Studded top Handle Bag.